There are just over 10,100 homecare providers in the UK which are registered and regulated by their country’s regulatory body, such as the CQC in England
Did you know?
Personal care should be just that. Personal...
Personal care encompasses a range of intimate daily activities that many take for granted, such as dressing, showering, and bathing. These tasks, while seemingly simple, can become challenging for individuals with health or mobility issues. Horizons Homecare understands the emotional impact that arises when entrusting such personal tasks to another. To mitigate this, we prioritize providing the same care workers to our clients, ensuring continuity and fostering a sense of trust and familiarity. This consistent approach not only ensures that the care is tailored to the individual's specific needs but also reduces the emotional strain, as clients build strong, trusting relationships with their care workers. Through this commitment, Horizons Homecare goes beyond just physical assistance, offering emotional support and stability in the lives of those they serve.
Its about continuity, friendship, and puncutality...
Which is why we arrive on time, every time, with a familiar face!
Friendship, family and trust...

We understand and have first hand experience of the emotional and mental pressures involved with allowing someone to provide personal care to ourselves or our loved ones. That is why we have such a strong emphasis on continuity, friendship and that 'family feel'.
To put it blunty. If it isn't good enough for us or our loved ones, then why would it be good enough for our clients?
Our core values...
The foundation of our success
We believe that being truly kind isn't a skill, and it certainly isn't something you can learn. Being kind by nature is who you are!
Thats why we only employ, train and nurture those who are truly kind and caring towards other people. Not only does this belief form our recruitment process and decisions, it has become one of the foundations of our business.
We firmly believe that routines are what keep us as people, independent. Why should that change just because you require support at home?
Punctuality is another foundation of our business, and it means that when you become a client of Horizons, you will always know when your care team will be arriving. No more care workers being late, and no more missed visits.
Something we have always been very eager to improve is the quite possibly the biggest 'flaw' in social care services today. Continuity...
After all, we wouldn't want our loved ones seeing a different person at every care visit, so why should you have to put up with it?
This is why you will have your very own team of care workers that really understand you and your routines. Your history, your family and your hobbies.
The word family, encapsulates everything that we stand for, but unlike others who say they are a family run company. We truly are!
From our HCAs to our clients, we are all one family striving for better outcomes and happier lives. This is why family is not only a core value, but the bricks and mortar we build the foundations on.